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【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-7-2)
发布日期:2025-01-04 11:13 点击次数:168
转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年7月2日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’sRegular Press Conference on July 2, 2024国务院总理李强将于7月4日出席在上海举行的2024世界人工智能大会暨人工智能全球治理高级别会议开幕式并致辞。Premier Li Qiang of the State Council will attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance and deliver a speech on July 4 in Shanghai.东方卫视记者:你刚才介绍,李强总理将赴上海出席2024世界人工智能大会暨人工智能全球治理高级别会议。请问能否介绍具体情况?Dragon TV: You announced that Premier Li Qiang will attend the 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance in Shanghai. Can you share more details?毛宁:近年来,人工智能技术快速发展,给经济社会发展带来巨大红利,同时也存在诸多风险挑战。人工智能全球治理已成为世界各国共同面临的重大课题。Mao Ning: The rapid development of AI technology in recent years brings a multitude of risks and challenges as well as enormous socioeconomic benefits. Global AI governance has become a major task for all countries.中国主张,人工智能全球治理应坚持广泛参与、协商一致原则,在充分尊重各国政策和实践差异性的基础上,推动形成广泛国际共识。世界人工智能大会已连续举办六届,今年大会的主题是“以共商促共享,以善治促善智”,旨在搭建开放包容、平等参与的国际交流合作平台,促进人工智能全球治理,构建开放、公正、有效的治理机制。China advocates the principles of wide participation and consensus-based decision-making in global AI governance, and promotes broad international consensus based on full respect for differences in policies and practices of all countries. The World AI Conference has been held annually six times. The Conference this year, with the theme of “Governing AI for Good and for All”, aims to establish international cooperation and exchange platforms featuring openness, inclusiveness, and equal participation, advance global AI governance and develop an open, fair and effective governance mechanism.应邀出席本届大会的包括有关国家政府及国际组织、产学研代表等。我们期待各方秉持共商共建共享理念,在上海充分交流看法、凝聚共识,推动人工智能健康、安全、有序发展。The Conference brings together government officials, and representatives of international organizations, industries, universities and research institutes, among others. We look forward to full exchange of insights in Shanghai in the spirit of extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, to build consensus and promote the healthy, safe and orderly development of AI.《北京日报》记者:北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格日前表示,北约认为中国的行为挑战了北约的价值观、利益和安全。俄罗斯从中国进口先进技术生产导弹和无人机,中国是在助长二战以来欧洲最大的冲突。请问发言人对此有何评论?Beijing Daily: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO views China’s behaviors as challenging the alliance’s values, interests and security. Russia is producing missiles and drones with the support of advanced technology imported from China, which makes Beijing accountable for instigating the largest conflict on the European soils since World War II. What’s your comment?毛宁:不知道北约的价值观是什么。如果是以意识形态划线,制造矛盾、挑动对抗、加剧紧张,那中国确实不能认同。事实上,是北约不断挑战中国,干涉中国内政,歪曲抹黑中国内外政策,严重挑战中国的利益和安全。Mao Ning: I’m not sure what exactly he meant by NATO’s values. But if the values are to draw lines based on ideology and to create conflicts, stoke confrontation and escalate tensions along those lines, then China indeed cannot agree with it. The reality is, it is NATO that has been challenging China, interfering in China’s domestic affairs, misrepresenting and vilifying our domestic and foreign policies and seriously challenging China’s interests and security.对于乌克兰危机,中方始终致力于劝和促谈,推动政治解决。北约应当反思危机的根源,反思自身为欧洲和世界和平做了什么,而不是推卸责任、转嫁矛盾。Speaking of the Ukraine crisis, China has been committed to promoting talks for peace and finding a political solution to the crisis. NATO needs to see the root cause of the crisis and take a hard look at what kind of role it has played for the peace of Europe and the world, rather than divert the attention and blame it all on others.总台央视记者:据了解,中国向第78届联合国大会提出“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”决议,日前已获联大会议审议通过。发言人能否详细介绍决议有关情况?CCTV: We’ve learned that the resolution entitled “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” submitted by China was reviewed and adopted by the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. Can you give us more details?毛宁:7月1日,第78届联合国大会以协商一致方式通过了中国主提的“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”决议,140多个国家参加联署。这充分反映了各国在加强人工智能能力建设方面的广泛共识,彰显了各国通过团结合作加强能力建设、弥合智能鸿沟的政治意愿。Mao Ning: The 78th session of the UNGA yesterday adopted by consensus the resolution “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” proposed by China and co-sponsored by over 140 countries. The resolution reflects the extensive consensus among countries on enhancing AI capacity-building and speaks volumes about the political will of countries on enhancing capacity-building and bridging the AI divide through solidarity and cooperation.决议坚持以人为本、智能向善、造福人类的原则,聚焦能力建设主题,强调增强发展中国家在人工智能全球治理中代表性和发言权,倡导营造公平、非歧视的商业环境,支持联合国发挥中心作用,鼓励通过国际合作和实际行动切实帮助发展中国家开展能力建设,实现人工智能的健康和可持续发展。The resolution, in line with the human-centric principle and the principle of artificial intelligence for good for all, is focused on AI capacity-building, stresses the importance of increasing the representation and say of developing countries in global AI governance, advocates a fair and nondiscriminatory business environment, supports the United Nations in playing a central role, encourages effective capacity-building assistance for developing countries through international cooperation and concrete actions, so as to realize the healthy and sustainable development of AI.作为决议提案国,中方在决议磋商过程中秉持透明、开放和包容的原则,广泛吸收合理意见和建议,努力弥合各方分歧,得到各会员国充分肯定。决议的通过表明国际社会,尤其是发展中国家高度关注能力建设并希积极参与人工智能全球治理的强烈意愿。中方高度赞赏所有会员国对该决议的大力支持和为通过决议所作出的重要贡献。中方愿以此为契机,同国际社会加强交流与合作,推进决议后续落实,在联合国框架下帮助相关国家加快发展相关能力,助力实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标,共同构建人类命运共同体。As the country that introduced the resolution, China followed the principles of transparency, openness, and inclusiveness during the discussions of the Resolution, widely accommodated legitimate opinions and suggestions, and strived to bridge the differences among all parties. China’s efforts were spoken highly of by all the member states. The adoption of the resolution reflects that the international community and particularly developing countries are paying great attention to capacity-building, and have the strong will of actively participating in global AI governance. China highly commends all the member states for their tremendous support for the resolution, and for their important contribution to its adoption. China will take this adopted resolution as an opportunity to step up communication and cooperation with the international community, follow up on the implementation of the resolution, assist relevant countries in faster development of related capacities under the UN framework, so as to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.路透社记者:昨天,中国驻瓦努阿图大使馆同瓦政府举行了中国援建瓦政府大楼移交仪式。所罗门群岛新任总理近期将访华。你能否介绍发展与太平洋岛国地区关系对中国有何战略意义?Reuters: Yesterday, the Chinese Embassy and the Vanuatu government held a ceremony to hand over the government buildings that China had built. And the new Solomon Islands’ Prime Minister is visiting China recently. Could you please speak to the strategic importance of these connections with the Pacific Islands region for China?毛宁:中国致力于发展同包括瓦努阿图、所罗门群岛在内的太平洋岛国的友好合作,帮助有关国家提升经济社会发展水平,实现民生改善和发展振兴。Mao Ning: China is committed to growing friendship and cooperation with Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and other Pacific Island countries and contributing to their endeavor to promote economic and social development, improve people’s life and realize development and prosperity.中新社记者:追问一个关于中国向联合国大会提交的“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”决议的问题。据了解,美国已联署该决议。中方如何评价中美在人工智能问题上的对话合作?China News Service: To follow up on the resolution on “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” proposed by China to the UN General Assembly (UNGA), we learned that the US is one of its co-sponsors. How would you assess China’s dialogue and cooperation with the US on AI?毛宁:中方赞赏包括美国在内会员国积极参与“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”联大决议草案磋商,并支持该决议达成协商一致。Mao Ning: China commends the US and other UN member states for actively participating in the consultation on the UNGA draft resolution for enhancing international cooperation on AI capacity-building. We appreciate their support for the resolution’s adoption by consensus.中方愿同美方一道,落实两国元首旧金山会晤共识,加强两国人工智能领域多双边对话合作,促进全人类共享智能红利。China stands ready to work with the US to act on the common understandings reached by the two presidents in San Francisco, step up bilateral and multilateral dialogue and cooperation on AI, and make sure all humanity can share the benefits of AI.路透社记者:据中国驻菲律宾大使馆消息,1名中国公民遭绑架并遇害,你能否提供更多信息?Reuters: China’s Embassy in the Philippines announced that a Chinese national had been kidnapped and killed. Could you please provide more information on what happened?毛宁:经核实,1名中国公民遭绑架遇害。案发后,中国驻菲律宾使馆与菲方保持密切联系,敦促菲方全力侦办案件,切实采取有效措施维护在菲律宾中国公民的安全,并为遇害人员家属善后提供协助。外交部将会同有关部门指导驻菲律宾使馆密切关注案件进展,做好后续工作。Mao Ning: According to verified information, a Chinese national was kidnapped and killed. After the kidnap took place, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines stayed in close touch with the Philippine side and urged it to make every possible effort to work on the case and take effective measures to protect the safety of Chinese nationals in the Philippines. Our Embassy also provided support and facilitation to the family of the victim. The Foreign Ministry will work with relevant departments to provide instructions to our Embassy in Manila to closely follow up on the case and make sure everything is properly handled.路透社记者:菲律宾方面称,中国海警6月17日的行为“升级事态”,是近段时间以来“最具攻击性的”。发言人对此有何评论?Reuters: The Philippines has called the Chinese Coast Guard’s actions on June 17 “escalatory” and “the most aggressive in recent history.” Do you have any comment on this?毛宁:关于近期中菲在仁爱礁海域发生的事态,中方已多次介绍情况,阐明立场。仁爱礁是中国领土,造成当前局势的根源在于菲方侵权挑衅。菲方应当立即停止侵权挑衅,回到通过对话协商妥处分歧的轨道上来。Mao Ning: We have said clearly several times what recently happened between China and the Philippines near Ren’ai Jiao and what our position is. Ren’ai Jiao is China’s territory. The root cause of the current situation is that the Philippines infringed on China’s rights and made deliberate provocations. The Philippines needs to stop those infringement activities and provocations at once, and return as soon as possible to the track of resolving differences through dialogue and consultation.